The Civics portfolio focuses on government relations. The Civics Director works closely with the City of Edmonton and other levels of government in an effort to improve our community. The community league provides a voice for community views on issues ranging from planning and development to neighbourhood safety.
The Civics Director is responsible for:
- Coordinating submissions and inquiries to local, provincial and federal governments and other agencies
- Maintaining contact with local politicians and public and separate school boards through meetings with elected officials
- Establishing ad hoc committees to address specific neighbourhood concerns, i.e. The Pedestrian and Traffic Committee
- Monitoring land use, transportation issues, safety issues and other civic concerns
- Reporting to the board on civic matters relating to The Hamptons neighbourhood
Residential Speed Limit Update February 2020
On February 26, 2020 City Council’s Community and Public Services Committee will be discussing the 10 reports relating to traffic safety and residential speed limit reductions.
A Non-Statutory Public Hearing will be held to hear from the public. If you would like to speak at the public hearing, you can sign up here.
The reports that will be discussed can be found here.
The EFCL will be attending the hearing to share results from our Street Safety Survey and the position adopted by the EFCL Board of Directors.
Based on the survey results and data from across North America that indicates a reduction in speed limits on residential roads improves the comfort and safety of all road users with a negligible increase in travel time, the EFCL will be advocating that the City establish a residential speed limit of 30km/hr on all residential roads city-wide.
Highlights from the reports include:
- Council will be considering EITHER OF the following options, with a comparison of the two approaches here:*
- A 40 km/hr default speed limit on residential roads throughout Edmonton, OR
- A 30km/hr speed limit on residential roads within the Core Zone, with the residential roads outside of the core zone remaining at 50 km/hr
- The City has developed an Estimated Time of Arrival Tool that allows residents to see how much their commute may be impacted by either of the scenarios described above.
- The boundaries of the Core Zone have been reduced. A map showing the new proposed boundary is available here.*
- Roads where existing design and function are not conducive to a reduced speed limit and should remain at their existing speed can be found here.*
- High pedestrian locations such as Whyte Avenue, Jasper Avenue and areas adjacent to Main Streets and the Downtown neighbourhood are being considered for a reduction to 40 km/hr. A map showing these locations is available here.*
- A review of the causal factors involved in the 711 pedestrian injuries and fatalities in residential areas from 2009 to 2018 concluded that drivers failing to yield to pedestrians was the cause of the majority of collisions.
- Administration will collaborate with external partners to develop the Safe Mobility Strategy (2021-2025), which will include developing processes and identifying opportunities for partnership with communities to address traffic safety concerns in neighbourhoods. This will include changes that need to be made to the Community Traffic Management Policy to allow communities to take the lead on installing adaptable traffic calming measures in to address traffic safety concerns in neighbourhoods.
Building Height Changes March 2015
The City of Edmonton Planning department is proposing building height changes to new and existing construction to increase densification in the City of Edmonton. The proposed changes will help align the bylaw regulations with new construction technologies and techniques, and provide more consistency in the way the City reviews plans for new buildings. The proposed changes apply to every standard zone and overlay in the city. For more information visit
The Edmonton Federation of Community Leagues (EFCL) developed a worksheet to help community leagues and residents understand the changes.
The Hamptons Community League hopes to have a representative attend the March 4 open house at City Hall. We’ll provide more information if relevant.
Contact to share your views.